Nutritional Sport Supplements and Vitamins Key for Health and Fitness

Nutrients are essential components of foods that help to enhance the body’s maintenance, growth and functioning. Good quality nutritional supplements contribute to good health and fitness while enhancing your training, recovery and performance.
Sport Supplements
The most important nutrients for good health include:
•         Water
•         Minerals
•         Vitamins
•         Protein
•         Carbohydrates
•         Healthy Fats

Water is often neglected and the human body loses around 8 cups water every day just by being alive. Exercise and perspiration result in more fluid loss and it is essential to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes. Hydration is essential in the absorption and function of antioxidants, minerals and some of the vitamins. When you train you should use an electrolyte replacement drink. This will aid in re-hydration and eliminate post-exercise cramps.

Minerals play a role in more than 300 of the body’s functions. The most important minerals include iron, sodium, potassium and calcium. A deficiency in important minerals can cause mild to severe and sometimes even life-threatening symptoms. Research has shown that most illnesses can be linked back to a mineral deficiency which can easily be remedied with a quality supplement. Liquid ionic mineral supplements are absorbed much more readily than those in tablet form.

Vitamins are categorized as water-soluble or fat-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and vitamin K and they usually occur in the oils and fats of our food. These vitamins perform several functions including bone development, vision and growth. The other vitamins are water-soluble. The B vitamins and C-vitamins are very important for good health and fitness.

Protein is important for every cell in our bodies. Vegetable proteins are usually lean and beneficial for weight loss. Great sources include soy products, beans and protein powders. Fitness enthusiasts need protein to help repair muscles after training. Vegetable protein sources contain less iron than meat, so it is important to invest in a quality iron supplement.

Carbohydrates are touted as fuel for the body by some and avoided by others. Recent research has shown that carbo-loading is not beneficial before a sports event. However, balance is important, especially if you train and compete. Stick to complex carbohydrates to provide you with energy, dietary fiber and other essential nutrients.

Fats can contribute to high cholesterol, but omega-3 essential fatty acids are needed for optimum health. These fats are needed for proper absorption of anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins.

When choosing sports supplements, be sure that you choose the best quality brands that offer optimum absorption for best results.

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